When looking to expand your business successfully, it's easy to jump to thinking only of the US for Canadian business with the buzz around the freshly minted USMCA trade agreement. As with any investment, it's important to diversify and mitigate risk. Two premieres are leading the charge to reduce inter-provincial trade barriers which may be causing the global market to question becoming clients of Canadian exporters. The second important part of the strategy, is to have a sound receivables strategy that will allow you to assess clients domestically and internationally. Knowing the Accounts Receivables are the lifeblood of any company, we assist companies trading domestically or globally with making sure that their Accounts Receivables are realized. What's your strategy?
The premiers of Ontario and Saskatchewan said Monday they are working together to reduce trade barriers between their provinces.
Speaking at a joint news conference in Toronto, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Saskatchewan counterpart Scott Moe said they have signed a memorandum of understanding on the issue.
Ford said Canada has focused on free trade with the United States at the expense of internal trade, and must reduce inter-provincial hurdles to stay economically competitive.
“I hear from business leaders that this is one of the primary obstacles to attracting new investment and jobs to our country. We can’t afford not to act,” Ford said.
“Most of barriers when it comes to free trade between provinces is regulations. We’re going to put a list together, both myself and Premier Moe, of different sectors — let’s use transportation for example — where we can start knocking down some regulations,” he said.
Though they gave few concrete details of their plan, Moe promised swift action. “I think you can look for us to move very quickly on initiatives,” he said.
The pair would not, however, say why they did not send representatives to a meeting on internal trade last week.
“We’re just signing an MOU and we’ll move forward on that MOU,” Ford said.
Ontario’s New Democrats said the two premiers’ absence from the meeting suggests they aren’t interested in working with the rest of Canada on this issue.
“If you’re going to have inter-provincial trade agreements they should be negotiated on a pan-Canadian basis,” NDP legislator Peter Tabuns said. “A patchwork is not a good thing for us, it’s not a good thing for the rest of the country.”
Ford and Moe are already joined in the opposition to Ottawa’s carbon pricing plan for provinces that don’t have their own system in place by next year.
Both provinces have launched legal challenges to the federal plan and are intervening in each other’s cases.
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